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Faber-Castell 60 Aquarelle Pencils

My first set of colouring pencils, when I say first, I mean since I was possibly 12 years old or perhaps older!  I bought these from Amazon in a flash sale and cost about £33.  They have an amazing range of colours, ideal for just using as a pencil or using as I do with a Derwent Waterbrush to achieve the watercolours.

Faber-Castell 120 Polychromos Pencils

Bought this set of Faber-Castell 120 Polychromos pencils from Ebay, but I must admit it took alot of research and trawling through the internet to find a good quality pencil that actually does deliver the desired affects one would want from a colouring pencil.  These pencils have to be a must buy for anyone wanting to step up a level in their colouring, but they are not cheap, like I said it took alot of time searching the internet to find the best deal going, prices vary from £115 to £200+.

Derwent Inktense 72

A friend of mine bought a smaller set of these sometime ago, but didn't really get on with them.  I was watch Peta Hewitt on YouTube and she was doing a tutorial on using Derwent Inktense pencils and I was hooked.  The colours that you lay down can be deceptive until you activate with water and then the magic begins.

Currently Colouring In...

The Magical City

by Lizzy Mary Cullen

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